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Car Accident Chiropractor in Ramsey, NJ

Patients Car Accident Auto Accident Conditions Treatment Chiropractor Ramsey, NJ

Car accidents are a common occurrence on the roads of New Jersey, and they can result in significant physical and emotional trauma for those involved. When someone is involved in a car accident, the body can experience a range of forces that can cause acute pain and lead to chronic conditions. Soft tissues, bones, and joints can all be affected, making it critical to seek the appropriate care as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage.

Very often, people find that they don’t have pain or stiffness immediately after an accident. However, the next 1-to-7 days tend to show what truly happened. Muscle stiffness, pain, body aches, lack of sleep, and even personality changes reflect the impact that the body really withstood. One of the most significant concerns for car accident victims is the possibility of chronic pain. Even minor accidents can result in significant soft tissue injuries that can cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. Without proper treatment, these injuries can lead to chronic pain, affecting a person’s quality of life for years to come.

Traditional treatment options, unfortunately, tend to focus more on symptoms. Medication such as muscle relaxants or pain relievers will be effective for the short term; however, car accidents affect not only what the body is feeling but can also change the body’s overall structure in a split-second. If the body assumes that new, post-accident posture is “normal,” the likelihood of future problems and a faster rate of arthritis and degeneration are almost certain. Seeking chiropractic care after a car accident can help prevent chronic pain and ensure the body is properly aligned to promote healing.

Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

At Chiro Health Spa, we offer a range of treatments for car accident victims. Our initial consultation and exam allow us to assess the extent of a patient’s injuries and develop a personalized treatment plan. Chiropractic care is at the heart of our approach, and we use spinal adjustments to restore proper alignment to the body, reduce pain, and promote healing. In the initial stages of care, we may use electrical muscle stimulation to help stimulate muscle tissue and promote circulation and cold laser therapy to reduce inflammation and promote healing. In the event of numbness or tingling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet, we often introduce spinal decompression to relieve pressure on the discs between the bones of the spine, as disc injuries frequently cause radiating symptoms.

As the body gets to a stronger healing point, we introduce postural correction therapy to improve posture and prevent future injuries. Keep in mind that in a car accident, your posture shifts from its normal state. In some cases, it’s a little shift; in others, it can be significant. It is imperative to return the body to a posture as close to normal as possible following a car accident to reduce the likelihood of injury or deterioration later in life. We also offer acupuncture and therapeutic exercises for recovery. Acupuncture can effectively reduce pain and promote relaxation, while therapeutic exercises can help improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

5 Essentials for Car Accident Recovery

If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey, here are five essential things you should know:

  1. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you don’t feel any pain right away. Soft tissue injuries and other conditions may not present symptoms for several days.
  2. Document the accident and any injuries you’ve sustained. This includes taking pictures, getting contact information from witnesses, and keeping a record of medical treatments.
  3. Contact your insurance company to report the accident and any injuries. Be honest and provide accurate information to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.
  4. Consider contacting an attorney to help you navigate the legal process. An experienced attorney can help you understand your rights, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate on your behalf.
  5. Chiropractic care helps promote healing and prevent long-term damage from the car accident. It can be an effective treatment option for many types of injuries, and seeking care as soon as possible can help prevent chronic pain and other complications.

Common Car Accident Injuries


Whiplash is a soft tissue injury that occurs when the neck is rapidly jerked back and forth, causing damage to the muscles and ligaments. Even in low-speed accidents, the neck and cervical spine can be injured. Symptoms may include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and dizziness. More importantly, the neck often loses a portion or all of its normal curve, which can have detrimental health effects.

Low Back Pain and Neck Pain

Low back pain and neck pain can result from various injuries, including sprains, strains, herniated discs, and spinal cord damage. Symptoms may include pain, numbness, and tingling. Seeking chiropractic care and other treatments can help alleviate these symptoms and prevent long-term damage.


Concussions occur when the brain is jolted inside the skull, causing damage to brain tissue. Symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and difficulty concentrating. When there is a concussion, there are almost always additional issues in the cervical spine. Rest and avoiding further head trauma are often recommended for recovery, but chiropractic care and soft tissue work have also been shown to be excellent treatment options.

Shoulder Pain

In auto accidents, shoulder pain is often caused by seatbelts, leading to injuries such as rotator cuff tears and sprains. Symptoms may include pain, swelling, and limited mobility.

Knee Pain

Knee pain is frequently a result of hitting the knee on the dashboard at the time of impact. Unfortunately, knee problems tend to lead to other issues, such as lower back pain. Knee injuries often include sprains, strains, and tears to the ligaments and cartilage.

Although car accidents cause great difficulty in many aspects of everyday life, don’t let your health be one of them. Healing is a process, but great things can be accomplished with the right timing and an experienced team. Contact us at 201-962-7633 so we can start you on your journey back to health!

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