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Scoliosis Treatment – A Ramsey, NJ Chiropractor’s Perspective

Here’s a typical scoliosis analysis – a child goes to the school nurse, removes most of their clothes, and bends forward. The nurse then says there looks to be a “mild scoliosis” and to see the pediatrician for further evaluation.

This example highlights the most important part of scoliosis – early detection is key. But here in the 21st century, so much more can and needs to be done to confirm where and how significant the scoliosis really is.

Scoliosis is any curvature left or right – either a “C” curve or an “S” curve – when looking at someone from the back. Scoliosis is generally categorized as mild, moderate, or severe, which is fully determined by x-ray and measurement of the angles of the curves. These curvatures can cause pain, tightness, or discomfort; in more severe cases it can even interfere with proper organ development and function and will require surgery. Some milder or chronic cases show no pain or discomfort at all.

There’s a lot of debate about how scoliosis starts, but we can agree that once scoliosis sets in, there must be a certain level of follow-up to ensure that it doesn’t get worse quickly, particularly in kids. Some factors – trauma, repetitive stress, genetics – altered your spine’s growth into a “new normal” position at that time, and the bones never “got the memo” to move back to the right position. As a result, what should look like a straight line from the back starts to show curves, which become more visible when bending forward due to the muscles that surround the spine growing more on one side than the other.

The goals of treatment in scoliosis differ for kids and adults. In kids, we’re looking to get the most amount of improvement in the shortest possible time, especially if they’re at a crucial growth age (girls 9-13 years old; boys 11-15 years old). The big idea: let the spine grow into a good structure instead of a bad structure. In adults, we’re generally trying to stabilize the scoliosis from getting worse, and improvement would be a nice side effect. This is because adults typically have muscle patterns that have been set in for many years and are less responsive to change; kids are still flexible and pliable and move easier.

The key to solving scoliosis is to make sure there is good motion in the bones and muscles and use that motion to guide the spine toward the correct posture. This is where our specialty lies within chiropractic – restoring your range of motion, building your strength, and addressing your spinal alignment to make it as neutral as possible for the long term.

How We Treat Scoliosis in Ramsey, NJ

Our scoliosis protocol is multi-faceted to ensure that nothing is left to chance. Elements of our plan include:

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

We’re going to sit down with you to dig into your history, as many clues about your scoliosis come from that discussion. It’s a two-way conversation, as we’re listening intently but providing feedback along the way. During the exam portion, we’ll check things like the range of motion of the spine, evaluate muscle strength, perform several orthopedic and neurological tests, and observe the results compared to normal. This helps us identify exactly how your scoliosis is affecting your overall health.

Computerized Posture Analysis

Your neutral standing posture is one of our most important tools to analyze the extent of your scoliosis. We take pictures of you from front and side, and by placing digital reference points on your pictures we can see in seconds where your body is under the most stress from poor posture. This gives us a clearer picture of the extent of scoliosis on the overall posture and may give us a clue as to other areas that may be affected.

Digital X-Rays

We use the most up-to-date technology both when taking and analyzing X-rays to know exactly what we are dealing with before we start care. There are three main things we are looking for in your scoliosis X-rays: degeneration, disc spacing, and how far your alignment is from normal alignment. In scoliosis, we are looking at three specific aspects:

  • How significant is the scoliosis? What degree of curvature is there?
  • How many curves are present?
  • Is there rotation in the spine?

We look at those aspects and compare them to the normal angles and positions of the bones, and we match your X-rays up to those normals to evaluate the strength of your spine.

Once we have evaluated all of the information, we then choose from several therapies, depending upon the severity of the scoliosis:

Specific Chiropractic Adjustments

At its core, the spine wants to be neutral. When bones are out of their normal position (sometimes one in a section of your spine, sometimes several), the result is a gradually weakening posture and pressure on the nerves between the bones. By reducing the misalignments in those areas, the spine gets more freedom of motion, allowing its function to improve. We find that improving this alignment with chiropractic adjustments can be significant in reducing the severity of scoliosis.

Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan

To get lasting results, we know that many scoliosis cases require much more than just chiropractic adjustments. Improvements in scoliosis will not fully occur if there is muscle weakness or imbalance. If your muscles have been fighting a bad posture for many years (or starting to fight it in kids), getting them strong is a priority. There are several muscle groups in the mid-back and lower back, each with a specific function for flexibility, strength, and posture. We start by increasing flexibility. In kids this is generally less of a concern, so we then can focus on building strength. It’s not just about getting stronger; it’s about getting stronger in the OPPOSITE of what the muscle patterns currently are. It takes consistency, so we give you a customized exercise plan for both in-office and at home to make sure you’re able to keep aggravating episodes to a minimum, both in frequency and intensity.

Home Care

Keep this in mind: GRAVITY ALWAYS WINS. Your job is to let it win as little as possible for as long as possible. The more you can teach the brain and body to not slouch, stay strong and not fall into a bad position, the more you’ll beat gravity pulling your scoliosis into a worse position. We’ll give you specific recommendations based on your spine’s shape to ensure strength for years to come.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

In the initial stages of care, we are looking to reduce muscle spasms and tension in the areas of scoliosis. Electrical muscle stimulation is frequently used to accelerate that process, allowing you to feel better and alleviate the stiffness often associated with scoliosis. Most people say e-stim feels like a light massage and often comment how much looser they feel when it’s done.

Posture Rehabilitation

Putting in a plan to create and stabilize good, strong posture is your key to having the longest-lasting results. We’ll utilize various forms of therapy to put your posture in the “mirror image” – essentially, the exact opposite posture that you currently have. By performing mirror image exercises and traction, your body will gradually learn what “correct” posture is. Each time, in-office and at home, your body goes into the mirror image, it’s another signal to the brain, your bones, and your muscles to dump the old, bad patterns and create new, stronger patterns. This may be the most overlooked aspect of scoliosis – there’s no way a weak posture can help you get better.


Acupuncture can help remove negative energy and restore positive energy throughout your body. By focusing on specific points and zones in your body, endorphins (the “feel-good” hormones) get released, and that triggers a positive response throughout the body. Acupuncture has been used for the relief of muscular tension with scoliosis and can be very beneficial, either on its own or in conjunction with chiropractic and postural rehabilitation.

Supplements and Other At-Home Remedies

Depending on your age and the severity of your scoliosis, certain nutritional supplements may be worthwhile. However, each case is different, which means your nutritional recommendations may be quite different than someone else you know with scoliosis. We’ll often recommend certain topical gels or ointments to relieve muscle tension and reduce pain. Some of our recommendations can even be purchased in your local grocery store or health food store.

Lifestyle Changes

Given that we’re working or in school for 8-10 hours a day and sleeping 6-9 hours, whatever posture you’re in had better be right for that amount of time! It’s important that you know how to sleep, how to bend and lift, and how to sit at your computer. It’s just as important to know what not to do. Sometimes simple shifts make the biggest differences, and that’s especially true when it comes to your daily habits. We’ll make sure you know what those shifts are to avoid injury and get the best results in our office.

Scoliosis Bracing

In certain cases, bracing is used as an early intervention to prevent scoliosis from getting worse. As a general rule, bracing is a primary option when there is a high probability that a person’s scoliosis will get worse without a brace

Common Causes of Scoliosis in Ramsey, NJ

Scoliosis can develop for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

Idiopathic Scoliosis

This is the most common type of scoliosis – up to 85% of cases by some estimates. Yet, idiopathic means “no known cause”. There may be a genetic predisposition where another family member also has scoliosis, but that only covers about 30% of idiopathic cases.

Muscle Spasm

Muscle spasms caused by severe muscle strains can gradually cause functional scoliosis.


When inflammation occurs along the spine or around the spine, it can affect the curvature of the spine. Inflammation present from injury for a long enough time may create scoliosis.

Differences in Leg Heights

When there is a notable difference in leg lengths, the pelvis will lean to one side. As a result, the spine doesn’t sit on a good foundation and will create curvature to compensate for the pelvic lean. If this is present during our analysis, we will prescribe a heel lift to be worn in the shoe to create leveling of the pelvis from the bottom up.

Frequently Asked Questions About Scoliosis

When should you see a chiropractor in Ramsey, NJ for scoliosis?

The absolute best time is as early as possible during growth spurts. For girls, ages 9-13 is the most important growth time. For boys, 11-15 is the greatest growth period. Although those are the ideal time frames, there’s no wrong time to see a chiropractor for scoliosis. Whether it has been going on for a short time or chronically for years, an evaluation of your spine and overall posture will benefit you at any point.

What causes scoliosis?

The most common type of scoliosis, Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, has no known cause. In some cases, family history may contribute. Some more recent theories suggest that wearing a heavy backpack or purse on the same shoulder repeatedly creates enough downward force on one side that may be buckling the spine.

How is scoliosis diagnosed?

Diagnosing scoliosis involves a thorough assessment and analysis of some specific test results. A thorough medical history is first, followed by a physical exam with a variety of observations and measurements, including posture analysis and movements. X-rays can then provide vital information to give a diagnosis and classification.

If I have scoliosis, will my children have it?

Some scoliosis cases have a genetic link to a family member. With that in mind, if there’s someone in the family that does have scoliosis, it’s important to have children screened early and often, especially during growth spurts.

What is the best treatment for scoliosis in Ramsey, NJ?

Because there are several different causes, there is no “one best treatment”. Treating scoliosis frequently requires a multi-faceted approach. Factors such as age, severity, location of the curve(s), and potential for future growth all contribute to creating the most effective treatment plan.

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